Page 15 - 2017-MVU-AnnualReport
P. 15

Statement of Revenues,
                                                                                Expenses and Changes in Fund Net
                                                                                Position Proprietary Funds
                                                                                JUNE 30, 2017


          Operating Revenues                                                                 Enterprise Fund  Electric
          Sales and service charges                                                                     $ 28,815,538
          Miscellaneous                                                                                   $ 209,279
          Total Operating Revenues                                                                      $ 29,024,817
          Operating Expenses
          Cost of services                                                                                $ 849,803
          Depreciation expense                                                                           $ 1,102,548
          Electricity purchased                                                                         $ 12,112,442
          Services and supplies                                                                          $ 3,708,063
          Distribution share                                                                             $ 4,489,250
          Self-insurance claims and charges
          Total Operating Expenses                                                                      $ 22,262,106
          Net Operating Income (Loss)                                                                    $ 6,762,711
          Non-operating Revenues and Expenses
          Interest revenue                                                                                $ 129,253
          Interest expense and debt issuance costs                                                      ($ 3,052,491)
          Engineering plan check fees                                                                     $ 275,035
          Gain (loss) on disposal of capital assets
          Total Non-operating Revenues (Expenses)                                                      {$ 2,648,203}
          Income (Loss) before contributions and transfers                                               $ 4,114,508
          Transfers  and Contributions
          Transfers in
          Transfers out                                                                                    ($ 4,793)
          Change in Net Position                                                                         $ 4,109,715
          Net Position - Beginning of year, as restated                                                 $ 26,181,765

          Net Position - End of year                                                                    $ 30,291,480

          MVU’s financial health and stability

          are part of an operating and planning
          process that ensures that the utility
          can provide beneficial programs
          and services to our customers and

          community long into the future.

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