Page 14 - 2017-MVU-AnnualReport
P. 14

Statement of
                                                                                     Net Position
                                                                                     Proprietary Funds
                                                                                     JUNE 30, 2017

                                   ASSETS                                                     Enterprise Fund  Electric
                              FINANCIALS  Prepaid costs                                                  $24,534,893
                                   Current Assets
                                   Pooled cash and investments
                                   Receivables : Accounts
                                   Due from other governments
                                   Cash with fiscal agent
                                   Total Current Assets
                                   Noncurrent Assets
                                   Capital Assets (net of accumulated depreciation)
                                   Total Noncurrent Assets
                                   Total Assets
                                   Deferred Outflows of Resources                                        $49,293,140
                                   Resources related to pensions                                            $568,812
                                   Utility Network                                                        $2,423,742
                                   Total Deferred Outflows of Resources                                   $2,992,554

                                    Total Assets and Deferred                                            $ 76,820,587
                                    Outflows of Resources

                                   Current Liabilities                                        Enterprise Fund  Electric
                                   Accounts payable                                                       $5,614,205
                                   Accrued interest                                                         $249,734
                                   Unearned revenue                                                          $18,858
                                   Deposits payable                                                         $860,718
                                   Compensated absences                                                     $181,559
                                   Self-insurance payable
                                   Bonds, notes, and loans payable                                        $1,158,000
                                   Total Current Liabilities                                              $8,083,074
                                   Noncurrent liabilities
                                   Compensated absences                                                     $121,039
                                   Self-insurance payable
                                   Bonds, notes, and loans payable                                        $36,181,939
                                   Net pension liability                                                  $1,714,399
                                   Net OPEB liability                                                       $244,374
                                   Total Noncurrent Liabilities                                          $38,261,751
                                   Total Liabilities                                                     $46,344,825
                                   Deferred Inflows of Resources
                                   Pensions                                                                 $159,418
                                   OPEB                                                                      $24,864
                                   Total Deferred Inflows of Resources                                      $184,282
                                   Net Position
                                   Net investment in capital assets                                       $20,512,511
                                   Restricted for public purpose programs                                 $4,806,157
                                   Unrestricted                                                           $4,972,812
                                   Total Net Position                                                    $30,291,480

                                    Total Assets and Deferred Inflows of                                 $ 76,820,587
                                    Resources and Net Position
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