Page 12 - Moreno Valley Citizen's Guide to the Budget
P. 12


            refinancing (taxable)

             description                                                                       Original Issue
             The 2021 Amended Purchase Agreement served to refinance                              AMOUNT
             the remaining  balance  of  the  2018  Streetlight  Financing
             agreement. The original agreement funded the purchase of
             approximately  9,411  streetlights  from  Southern  California   2021            $7,402,587
             Edison (SCE) and the retrofit of those lights, as well as the
             approximately 2,000 additional streetlights already owned
             by the City, with LED fixtures. This refinancing agreement                             Issuance
             was entered into on a taxable basis with Banc of America
             Capital Leasing.                                                                          DATE

             repayment source
             The repayment source for these bonds is                                         08/10/2021
             the Electric Utility Fund.

             prepayment provisions                                                                   Maturity
             Optional prepayment continuously after 6/1/26 with a                                      DATE
             prepayment premium (102%).
             security                                                                        06/01/2034

             The security for this agreement consists of the City’s
             debt service schedule                                                                   RATES
             The annual debt service requirements for the 2021 Streetlight
             Refinancing outstanding at June 30, 2023, are as follows:

                   2021 STREETLIGHT
                   REFINANCING (taxable)

                   YEAR ENDING                PRINCIPAL             INTEREST          INTEREST RATE
                   JUNE 30,
                   2024                           488,940             218,733                 3.47%
                   2025                           506,055             201,618                 3.47%
                   2026                           523,769             183,904                 3.47%
                   2027                           542,103             165,570                 3.47%
                   2028                           561,078             146,595                 3.47%
                   2029-2033*                   3,114,104             424,262                 3.47%
                   2034                           689,723              17,950                 3.47%

                                              $ 6,425,772         $ 1,358,632
        *Represents the total amount due during the specified period.
        The 2021 Streetlight Refinancing Agreement reduced the rate from the former 2018 agreement at 5.42% to 3.47%,
            *Represents the total amount due during the specified period.
        resulting in savings of $855,000 with no extension of the maturity date.
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